Core Structure

English Diploma

Mali has a certain methodology that benefits the students. The core of the curriculum is to teach English in such a way so as to give the students the ability to learn for themselves as well as it is accurate and effective. Our methodology reflects the latest trends in English language Training Worldwide.

Teaching students to use English rather than teaching them about English.
Teaching students to use all skills at all times rather than focusing on discrete skills.
Teaching students to use what works in practice in the classroom rather than adhering to any formal methodology.

The courses are designed to provide students with formal understanding of the importance of the needs and they cover the main training issues as well.

The English diploma contains :

Basic levels : access, basic 1(A + B) and basic 2(A + B).
Elementary levels : A + B + C.
Pre-Intermediate levels : A + B + C.
Intermediate levels : A + B + C.
Upper-Intermediate levels : A + B + C.
Advanced levels : A + B + C.
Skills : Skills 1, Skills 2 and Skills 3.

All our language courses are designed to meet internationally recognized levels.

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# Levels at MALI Levels Qualifications Average Number of Vocabulary TOEFL FCE TOEIC CPE
1 Access Beginners The student needs to learn the alphabets and numbers
2 Basic 1 Basics The student at this level can give simple information about himself and others. Also, he is able to ask and answer simple questions about topics from life daily . 700 327-310 200-150
3 Basic 2 Practical Students at this level can do some face-to-face interactions such as making a hotel reservation, buying clothes, etc. 900 360-330 315-205
4 Elementary Brilliant Students at this level can communicate effectively with people Face to face, over the phone, or in simple business and social interactions. 1500 407-453 400-459
5 Pre-Intermediate Eligible Students at this level can communicate effectively in a small group, and Begin to participate in advanced conversations. 2000
6 Intermediate Confident Students at this level can express and defend opinions, and discuss the opinions of others within the group. 2500 457-517 500-559
7 Upper-Intermediate Skilled Students at this level can communicate confidently in a large group, and express opinions And provide feedback to others. 3000
8 Advanced Clever The student at this level can engage in a conversation with a native speaker, Presenting stories and discussion persuasively. 5000 520-560 600-659

Conversational Classes

A common problem a lot of students face is the lack of opportunity to continue practicing their English language skills after leaving the Institute.

One way we try to help Is by providing students with more opportunities to practice their English language through attending our multi media labs or our conversation-only classes which are designed to be both affordable and flexible

Students are grouped at similar language levels and they are encouraged to enter discussions , debate topics and defend opinions.

These courses are short term, not longer than a few weeks, but they are offered throughout the year to give students the opportunity to maintain their English language continually.


This test preparation course, developed by the experts who create, administer and score the TOEFL test, will help English language learners improve their skills.

The TOEFL test is the world’s most trusted and widely accepted English-language assessment. It has helped millions of people achieve their dreams to study, work or live abroad. More than 11,000 institutions of higher education, government agencies and organizations worldwide accept TOEFL scores for making important decisions.

This course will help you understand what you can do to achieve your best TOEFL test score. Instructors will guide you through each section (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing) and, using archived past test questions, will explain the kinds of questions you can expect. You will receive valuable advice, including how to register for the test, how it is scored and how to prepare for test day.

This course is highly interactive, using videos, sample questions with explanations, short quizzes and collaborative discussion boards. You will also have access to real test materials from past tests. During the weeks covering Speaking and Writing, all course participants can receive scores for their practice-test responses.

In addition, there will be free resources and discounted test prep offers throughout the course. Finally, you will receive valuable insider tips to help you do your best on the TOEFL test so you can apply to the university or job of your dreams.