
Conventional Education

The MALI curriculum meets the needs of the students; to communicate accurately and effectively using English in a wide range of situations, to learn about different cultures, to provide other “soft-skills” training to improve students’ job potential – Business, Computer Skills, Office Administration, Interpersonal Skills, etc.

The coursebooks at Mali reflect the latest trends in English Language Training worldwide.

The coursebooks are designed to provide students with formal understanding of the importance of the needs and they cover the main training issues as well.

Students at MALI are comfortable with the curriculum as it is covering a wide range of their life-interests as well as it introduces them to the open world cultures , travels , communities and sciences.

Computer Education

Computer is used in linguistic activity with multiple faces, summarized in three main pictures. Namely: general use, specific use, and specialized linguistic use. This highlights the benefits and uses of computers in English Language teaching. More over, it aims to raise the consciousness of the benefits of computer technology in enlightening instruction for both teachers and learners.

Our methodology is to make the students learn using the computer as it makes the students feel different in learning and makes them learn in new ways and advanced method.

The computer education is supporting the conventional education, so we are providing the students with the educational sources which can be found in the computer.

This methodology can help the students to learn by continuously changing the classroom environments and to learn using the computer to make it easier for them to study online and fine solve their problems in future.

Online Education

Online education is a form of education which is delivered and administered using the Internet. 20 years ago, it would've been difficult to imagine high quality instruction delivered online, but today, in the digital age, it's become a reality. Now online education, or online learning, is a broad term.

At MALI, the online education will be available soon for all the students in Yemen. We will be the first institute providing the online education platform.

This will encourage the students and the people to learn at any time and solves several problems which lead the students to stop learning.

The platform will be supporting the computer education and conventional education. It will provide online quizes , discussion rooms , challenges and competitions.