levels at Mali

All our language courses are designed to meet internationally recognized levels.

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# Levels at MALI Levels Qualifications Average Number of Vocabulary TOEFL FCE TOEIC CPE
1 Access Beginners The student needs to learn the alphabets and numbers
2 Basic 1 Basics The student at this level can give simple information about himself and others. Also, he is able to ask and answer simple questions about topics from life daily . 700 327-310 200-150
3 Basic 2 Practical Students at this level can do some face-to-face interactions such as making a hotel reservation, buying clothes, etc. 900 360-330 315-205
4 Elemantary Brilliant Students at this level can communicate effectively with people Face to face, over the phone, or in simple business and social interactions. 1500 407-453 400-459
5 Pre-Intermediate Eligible Students at this level can communicate effectively in a small group, and Begin to participate in advanced conversations. 2000
6 Intermediate Confident Students at this level can express and defend opinions, and discuss the opinions of others within the group. 2500 457-517 500-559
7 Upper-Intermediate Skilled Students at this level can communicate confidently in a large group, and express opinions And provide feedback to others. 3000
8 Advanced Clever The student at this level can engage in a conversation with a native speaker, Presenting stories and discussion persuasively. 5000 520-560 600-659